6 ways to understand more and become fluent in English

Become fluent in English
Today, I am gonna teach you some steps to become fluent and understand native speakers. I bluntly say that if you follow these steps then you will definately understand more and also become fluent in English language. So, follow these 6 steps below:-

Speak more as you can.  Speak anything whatever in your head say in english bit don't translate. If you would translate sentences in your mind then you can't learn all aspects of English. So, just think in English for some time.

Don't think just listen 
First of all, you just listen as you can because it is so important to learn any language and understand more. You can listen anything in english like songs, shows, daily soups, movies, conversation, news, and so on. You must make a schedule minimum 1 hour for listening. You just listen don't think because you can't able to understand to conversations at once. So just listen, listen, listen.

Read out loud
It is so important because when you read aloud then you make you feel under that situation and listen that word well whereas you read slow then you get bored and gradually you get asleep. You can also remember some words for long time by follow this strategy.

Ask questions
When you engage in a conversation then don't try to be quiet, it can make you feel tired or bored. So, keep questioning while a conversation occur. Keep your  mind feel free. Don't murmuring for a particular word or term, skip that word and understand freely.

No Subtitles
You need to follow this step because when you watch any movie or video songs in english, you use subtitles but it's a wrong way. You should not use subtitles because it does not help you to brain storming you mind.

Stop translating in your head
You should abandon your technique to translate in your head because when you translate, it does not help you to indulge in that environment. You have no environment. You should create an environment in which some english speakers exist.

Learn grammar with your level
If you are a beginner then don't try to learn whole grammar in starting beacuse it can affect your speaking. So, learn grammar with your upgraded level.

Please learn by heart these ways and apply in your routine. It will improve your english definitely. You can use these steps with your friends, with your colleagues, families, and infact, you can use these with you dear diary.

Follow these steps to become fluency.
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